Blackpool 2016
My word, what a weekend!
It all started Saturday evening when about 60 of the 143 people that went to Blackpool for the NATD Grand Finals all turned up on the sea front to enjoy the Blackpool Illuminations, Phil had a flashing hat popped on his balding head by the lovely Noreen (thanks for that!), and we all piled in to a photo booth (yes all of us!) and had a picture taken. How we all got in, and then out again is a complete mystery.
Fish and chips followed in Harry Ramsdens, followed by an unofficial guided tour around a half-lit Empress Ballroom. Unofficial because conveniently Phil had a key to get in!
Once we had crept out again undetected, a long walk up the seafront was next, followed by a few cheeky drinks in the Imperial Hotel before we all headed back to our hotels.
Sunday morning bright and early we arrived at the Winter Gardens for the competitions which commenced with the banner parade, and our “illuminated” banner looked magnificent.
Everyone danced so well on Sunday, with many placing in the finals.
Well done to the teachers – Zara, Courtney, Andrew, Lucy, Emily-May, Hannah and Melissa who danced there socks off, and of course Phil who was in his official capacity for the event as “Head of Operations” and spent the entire day running around the venue with his dinner suite and earpiece looking like a bouncer!
What was unique about the NATD event was how all the schools were cheering each other on in the competitions as well as their own dancers. Very unusual, special and typically NATD!
A superb weekend for everyone. Looking forward to the next one!
Thank you to everyone who has emailed us to say how great it was – a selection of which are below!
“We are all still buzzing from the weekend, and Olivia is in love with her trophy! Couldn't be prouder to say my daughter dances at Chelmsford Dance Centre!”
“Just wanted to say WOW!! Just WOW!”
“Omg - you have just made me cry!! “
“As always I am sure you two are the last to receive thanks but 'thanks' for being on hand to answer those OMG moments (I haven't got around to unpacking 6 pairs of spare tights, three lipsticks varying shades of red and pink, clear lip gloss, coloured lipgloss, full eye lashes, natural eye lashes or maybe the fibre lashes - oh and don't forget the nails, fake tan and the moisturising graduating tan....) “
“What am amazing weekend we had a fantastic time watching everyone. We are so proud to be part of CDC what amazing results! “
“A big thank you to Lucy for all her hard work.Arabella was pleased to reach semi finals and is even more determined to get a trophy next time. “
“To dance at a place like the Winter Gardens in Blackpool will stay with them forever. “
“What a spectacular weekend we've just had and what 'amazing' results achieved by all - just to qualify was a brilliant achievement. The girls are really proud to be part of such a successful group of dancers - the CDC Trophy Table was loaded and looked brilliant. They really appreciated being supported by truly talented and dedicated teachers (pass the vomit bucket!) I know it sounds a bit gushy but we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and couldn't have got half as far without the whole of the CDC team. “
“To dance at a place like the Winter Gardens in Blackpool will stay with them forever. “
“It was great to see everyone who turned up enjoy the comp and be genuinely pleased to enjoy in each others success and to offer heartfelt support for those not so lucky on the day was incredible.“
“Just a quick note to say a huge thank you for all your help and guidance towards Isabella's dancing. “
“We would have been thrilled for Isabella just to have danced twice at Blackpool so to get through FOUR rounds with such a large number of competitors in her age group AND to be the youngest in that group was amazing!! Semi-Finals yayyy!!! “