Partnering during Covid-19

To protect our staff, or clients and their families, we make no apologies for strictly following Government advice on this matter.
The Government rules are very clear, you can partner someone from your own household, or a partner that shares a genuine support-bubble. All other dancing is at present subject to social distancing, and our staff, as well as all other studio users, are instructed that all lessons and classes are very strictly “with no touching” and social distancing at all times.
There is a lot of confusion between what is a “social” bubble and what is a “support” bubble.
If you have elected to be in a Social Bubble, you must still maintain social distancing at all times, whereas a “Support” bubble is the same as being in the same household. There are strict regulations on what is deemed a genuine support bubble, and full details are on the Government website but they only apply to “either a person living on their own or a Single Parent living on their own with no one other than their own children” and are exclusive to those people.
This will affect both who and if you are currently allowed to partner in dancing.
We are very much hoping that as restrictions are further eased, these rules may be relaxed.
In the meantime, if you feel you are in a genuine support bubble, please register this by answering the questions and submitting the declaration by clicking below. We will be in touch to confirm this has been accepted.
As always, if you have questions, please call us on 01245 473355.
On a personal note – the sooner the world returns to normal, the better!