Lousie Homewood
Studio Events Manager

Chelmsford Dance Centre is pleased to announce and welcome to the team our Events Manager - Louise Homewood.
Louise will be dealing with all social events for us, and has already made a great start since just Saturday, including a coach for our Team Match against MBA, and a Chelmsford Dance Centre pre Christmas Dinner & Dance including a free bar!!! Keep Saturday 23 November free, more details will follow tomorrow!
Louise has a wealth of experience in organising large scale corporate events, and those of you that attended our pre Blackpool Celebration Afternoon Tea will have seen first hand how good she is, and we are very lucky to have her as part of our team.
We have always had a great friendly atmosphere at CDC and are really excited to be able to offer you more opportunity to have fun with us and all your dancing friends and fellow parents.
You can contact Louise by calling 01245 332014
Or by email events@chelmsforddance.com